Imota changes to new face, ready to lead in decentralized earning era

Imota changes to new face, ready to lead in decentralized earning era

3 minute read

With the explicit mission to pioneer in shaping the decentralized earning for the community, simultaneously help to rebalance and identify sharing equalization in the new digital data age, Imota appropriates their community the equal benefit and make it significant to be the crucial pivot for platform development.

Ecosystem Model

According to the Imota White Paper, the ecosystem development surrounds the community, who provide their data for platform and interact with the digital environment will get the relative earning and benefit based on their contributions. So far, each user engagement has brought the advertisers a lot of revenues and opportunities. This challenge will be rebalanced in our new mission and business model.
Imota facilitates decentralized data ownership, enabling users to get a share in the value they generate.
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The Imota ecosystem is the center that nurtures and develops the economic relationship as well as the correspondence between developers and users. We play a crucial role in pioneering decentralized earning in new data economy, providing the equitable and appropriate revenue sharing to all parties for their contributions, even it’s just a click.
Discover full of White Paper:

Introducing Imota new interface

Simultaneously on Nov 11, Imota team launched the AMA livestream on Youtube Channel with the topic “Move closer to White Paper” for investors. The detail of this e-meeting helped audiences get a first look of the White Paper and skim through all the important information of the project such as roadmap, Otara tokenomics, mainnet timeline,…
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The new interface on website and Imota app were updated on Nov 11 with the tremendous change that helps users get the better experience in Imota new journey and reveals the decentralized earnings through every touch in all features: Free Otara Mining, Lucky Wheels, Affiliate Earning,…
The Imota ‘s new face is defined to be completely different from the old version. The paramount zones are emerged and the app features are in order of priority. The new version is enhanced with the community’s development statistic feature and feedback collection tool, which is one of the key features to grow the community sustainably.
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Regarding entertainment feature, we will develop the games in our own way that would be strong Imota style and reinforce the pioneering competency in revenue sharing, which will help the project profoundly connect to the community through interesting functions in the future.

What is waiting for you?

By clearly identifying the project’s model and publicizing the roadmap, we sturdily commit to follow our mission and vision to provide the long-term benefit for community. Upgrading the workground system and building the robust platform to empower developers and communities to earn the digital revenues will be a major phase and require more resources.
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In the future, before Mainnet takes place, our developers always listen and consider the market needs as well as technical context to contribute to the ecosystem in a most modern and practical way. We deeply discern about the importance of project value and operation mechanism in managing and fostering the community benefits. Your financial success is our compass needle that makes our working cohesive and seamless.
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